Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A team and B team mvp players

Story by: Rebeka Castillo, and Gloria Lopez

Ms.Mccolly the A team are all mvp players to her. She made a nick name for eveyone one of them,the nick name for Kaitlyn is the cheer leader blocker, Alyssa the dinker, Kennedy the killer(spider), Nikki the aker(all star surver), Alisha the all star sitter, Celest the all rounder, Dominique the perfect passer, Audery the diving queen, Kim kimpossible, Joclelyne mrs aprouch, Brandi super surver, Hannah the social butter fly, Lauren iron hand. For the B team the MVP player is Bibiana Ponce.She is the MVP player because she is, a hard worker and she tryed to do her best in the games and practices. Her position was the front and center.She feels specail and onard to be the mvp player, and she thanks her couches for choosing her.